It all began with Matilda! She was found wandering alone in the park. Someone thought that she was a Canada gosling and turned her in at California Wildlife Center.
Turned out that Matilda was a hybrid – a mix between the Canada goose and a domestic goose – telling her apart from other “purebred” Canada goslings’ was the light tip of her beak. In order to protect the species of Canda goose such a hybrid was not to be rehabilitated and released back into the wild and needed to be put down or adopted out.
So, little Ms. Matilda joined the rest of menagerie at Ms. Victoria’s house. Now Matilda has grown to be a big goose and still lives in Ms. Vickie’s backyard.
Sometimes she evicts the big dog out of his house and occupies the doghouse. Matilda loves swimming and has her own little pond – she has become a big and happy goose!
Some time later we discovered Mother Goose time curriculum and fell in love with it’s concept. So, in our minds, A Mother Goose Academy was born!
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